It is said, ‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope for a future’ Jeremiah 29:11-13
At All Saints National Academy, we have a future vision of allowing all of our pupils to unlock their true potential and shine. Within the nurturing ethos that will be woven through each and every classroom, children will be given the opportunity to flourish whilst learning in a fun and creative rich environment. Our staff team have created a vision and set of values that seeks to develop the whole child and provides them with skills that will allow them to function as exemplary citizens of Bloxwich and beyond.
The family of All Saints National Academy holds hands with those from all faiths and those with no faith, and provides a vibrant, respectful, friendly and safe community where all will know that there are ‘plans to give you a hope for a future’
We have high expectations of everyone in our academy community and we believe that everyone has the ability to excel and achieve great things. We can and we will make a difference to others.
Our Academy community consulted in the Spring 2023 and decided on the following core values: